Inokufu Search plugin for the Moodle™ platform

Inokufu Search plugin for the Moodle™ platform​ is a tool to assist you in curating educational resources which makes life easier for course designers.

It allows you to directly add into any input field thumbnails with links to educational resources (Learning Objects) from multiple sources (Youtube™, Coursera™, edX™, Apple Books™, etc). This allows your course to be quickly enriched with links to diverse and high-quality resources, pre-filtered by the AI technology developed by Inokufu since 2019.


Installation of the plugin is free. You only pay for the use of our Learning Object API. Discover our various free and paid plans, depending on your needs and use case.

👉 Learn more about Usage plans


To install Inokufu Search in your Moodle™ platform, you need to install a serie of plugins.

👉 Learn more about Installation

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