We currently support 13 types of learning object.
Educational videos from providers such as YouTube, Nebula, Vimeo, etc.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) from providers such as edX, Coursera, OpenClassrooms, Linkedin Learning, etc.
Educational audio files from providers such as Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, etc.
Educational apps or apps that may be useful for learning a new skill or job, from providers such as App Store, Google Play Store, etc.
Articles that may be useful for learning a new skill or job from providers such as Wikipedia, Medium, etc.
Textbooks and other educational books from providers such as Amazon books, Google books, etc.
Electronic textbooks and other educational ebooks from providers such as Apple Books, Google books, etc
career profile
Career profiles in various form from providers such as ONISEP, Oriane, Pôle Emploi, Fichemetier.fr, etc.
distance learning
Remote trainings or degrees from providers such as MIT, Stanford, MonCompteFormation, etc.
In-person trainings or degrees from providers such as MonCompteFormation, Pôle Emploi, etc.
safety sheet
Safety data sheets from providers such as OSHA, INRS, etc.
serious game
Educational games from providers such as Google play store, App store, etc.
Tutorials and others step by step instructions from providers such à WikiHow, Instructables, etc.
Websites that gather content on a specific topic, from providers such as, etc.