Inokufu has developed a data model specially designed to describe the metadata of Learning Object. This schema is described in this documentation. The machine-readable version can be found here.

What is a Learning Object?

Learning objects (LO) are defined as any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning, education or training. It could be any object that help learner achieve one or more learning goals.

Learning object are modular and reusable instructional units. They can be combined with others learning objects to create larger instructional units such as courses or a trainings. Learning objects are described by their metadata in order to make them discoverable and thus reusable.

Key characteristics of a learning object include:

  • Educational purpose: Created with a clear educational intention, supporting specific learning outcomes or skill development.

  • Modularity: Designed to be stand-alone, allowing it to be used independently or combined with other learning objects to form a larger instructional unit.

  • Reusability: Can be repurposed across various educational contexts and learning environments.

  • Accessibility: Available in formats that accommodate different learning needs and comply with accessibility standards.

  • Quality content: Provides accurate, current, and well-structured information that is pedagogically sound and relevant.

  • Pedagogical objective: Gives meaning to training by specifying the skills to be developed by the learner. It takes the form "Thanks to this learning object, the learner will be able to know/understand/do X".

At Inokufu, we accept a broad variety of learning objects such as video, mooc, podcast, app, article, book, ebook, career profile, distance learning, training, safety sheet, serious game, tutorial, website, course, exercise, interactive activity, etc. 

What is Not a Learning Object?

A learning object is not simply any online resource. Certain criteria disqualify resources from being effective learning objects, including:

  • False Information: Contains inaccuracies or misinformation, making it unreliable for educational purposes.

  • Offensive or Inappropriate Content: Includes material that is offensive, harmful, or not suitable for the educational audience.

  • Scams or Fraud: Designed to deceive users, potentially causing harm or extracting financial gain under false pretenses.

  • Hate Speech or Symbols: Promotes hate, prejudice, or violence against individuals or groups based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc.

  • Bullying or Harassment: Encourages or enables harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

  • Violence or Dangerous Organizations: Contains violent content or promotes organizations that engage in harmful activities.

  • Outdated, Unavailable or Inactive Content: Leads to dead links (e.g., 404 errors) or resources that are no longer maintained or accessible.

Resources that fail to meet these criteria should be avoided in educational settings to maintain the quality and integrity of learning.

At Inokufu, we have developed an AI-based system to filter out these bad resources and only select the most effective learning objects. 
