This endpoint returns a list of tags that can be extracted and/or associated to a text. It is helpful when you want to identify a list of skill, occupation or domain of knowledge associated to a full text.




The API key must be included in the header.

"x-api-key": "SAY-FRIEND-AND-ENTER"

Make sure to replace SAY-FRIEND-AND-ENTER with the demo key or your own Developer API key.


This endpoint requires the parameters to be sent in the body, formatted as JSON. Parameters are described in the table below.

Parameter Type Required Description
text string Yes Text for which you want to find the associated skill, occupation or domain of knowledge. Best results are obtained for text between 100 and 500 characters.
lang string Yes Language of the query such as en (english) or fr (french).


Response parameters

Parameter Required Description
tokenized_text Yes The text in tokenized version that we used to find the tags.
lang Yes The language of the text
tags This is the list of terms associated to the text.

Response example

Here is an example of the JSON structured response provided by this endpoint.

    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": {
        "tokenized_text": "a web developer is a programmer who specializes in or is specifically engaged in the development of world wide web applications using a client server model",
        "lang": "en",
        "tags": [
            "world wide web",
            "web developer",
            "networks it",
            "computer network",
            "telecommunications - telecommunications networks",
            "code programming",
            "computer networks",