This endpoint returns a list of suggestion of skill, occupation or domain of knowledge for specific keywords. This endpoint is not to be confused with the endpoint /similar which acts more as a synonym search within various finite taxonomies/frameworks. The endpoint /suggest is designed to make features such as autocomplete search input or suggested query. This endpoint is not limited by any taxonomy/framework.

This endpoint is still experimental and has been trained on a corpus of french texts only. The english version is in progress and will be available soon.




The API key must be included in the header.

"x-api-key": "SAY-FRIEND-AND-ENTER"

Make sure to replace SAY-FRIEND-AND-ENTER with the demo key or your own Developer API key.

Query Parameters

Query parameters must be included in the URL.

Parameter Type Default Required Description
keywords string Yes Keywords describing a skill, occupation or domain of knowledge for which you want to suggest other terms.

Code examples

curl "" 
-H "x-api-key: SAY-FRIEND-AND-ENTER"


Response parameters

Parameter Required Description
label Yes The suggested term.
score Yes This number is an indication of the confidence of the match between the keywords and the label.

Response example

Here is an example of the JSON structured response provided by this endpoint.

    "statusCode": 200,
    "request": {
        "keywords": "python",
        "keywords_transformed": [
    "response": {
        "content": [
                "label": "sql",
                "confidence": 0.6683011054992676
                "label": "jupyter",
                "confidence": 0.6620635390281677
                "label": "poo",
                "confidence": 0.6430356502532959
                "label": "langage python",
                "confidence": 0.6339637041091919
                "label": "iterateurs",
                "confidence": 0.6258624196052551
                "label": "java",
                "confidence": 0.6247775554656982
                "label": "swift",
                "confidence": 0.6237753629684448
                "label": "expression lambda",
                "confidence": 0.6212818026542664
                "label": "programmation objet",
                "confidence": 0.6212782859802246
                "label": "programmation java",
                "confidence": 0.621195375919342
        "msg": "A00 - These results are our best effort to answer your query."