Usage plans

We offer several free and paid usage plans depending on your needs.

Usage plan





Learning record statement processed

100 /month

10 000 /month

100 000 /month

> 100 000 /month

Rate Limit

1 request per second

5 requests per second

25 requests per second

> 25 requests per second

Scope of Use

No commercial use (test or non-profit only)

Commercial use

Commercial use

Commercial use

Authentication by API key





Authentication OpenID





Number of client application





Help center





Email support





Dedicated account and success team





Tailored onboarding





Priority support





Uptime SLA





Annual price (in €, excluding tax)




On quote (contact us)

What's the best plan for me?

1. Basic Plan

This is a free plan ideal for individual users who need to process up of 100 learning record statements per month with a rate limit of 1 requests per second. This plan doesn't allow commercial usage, and is designed for testing purposes or for non-profit use only. Users will be able to authenticate through an API key only.

2. Pro Plan

This paid plan is designed as an entry-level plan for small training organisation or edtech startup with less than 500 active learners per month. This plan allows commercial use and enable to process up to 10,000 learning record statements per month with a rate limit of 5 requests per second. Users will be able to authenticate through an API key as well as OpenID. Under this plan, you can have up to 2 client applications. Users enrolled under Pro Plan will have access to SLA level 4 support. This plan is priced at 3000 € per year excluding tax.

3. Ultra Plan

This paid plan is designed for businesses with high-volume needs (between 500 to 5000 active learners per month). It allows to process up to 100,000 learning record statements per month and supports a rate limit of 25 requests per second. Users can authenticate their apps through both an API key and OpenID. There is no limit to the number of client applications under this plan. Ultra Plan users will have access to SLA level 3 support. This plan is priced at 20000 € per year excluding tax.

4. Custom Plan

Our Custom plan is a fully customizable plan that accommodates businesses that require to process more than 100,000 learning record statements per month with a rate of more than 25 requests per second. This plan supports authentication through both an API key and OpenID, and allows an unlimited number of client applications. Custom plan offers premium tiered support from SLA level 3 to 1, helping businesses get the fastest resolution time for their support ticket. The pricing for the Custom Plan is quoted on a case-by-case basis, please contact us for more information.


Learning record statement processed

"Learning record statement processed" refers to the number of individual statement of Learning record processed with the Learning Record API within a month.

In case you reach the limit before the month ends, you would typically have to upgrade your plan or wait till the next month for the counts to reset.

Rate Limit

"Rate Limit" refers to the maximum number of API calls or requests your applications can make to the endpoints of the Learning Record API per second.

Rate limiting is a technique for limiting network traffic. It sets a limit on how many requests a client (which can be a user or an application) can make to the server in a given amount of time.

For instance: in the Basic plan, "2 requests per second" means your application can make up to 2 requests per second. If you attempted to make a third request within the same second, that request would typically be denied or queued for processing when the limit is next available.

Keep in mind that if you frequently hit the rate limit, it may indicate that you need to upgrade to a plan better suited to your usage needs.

Scope of Use

"Scope of Use" refers to the purpose for which you are allowed to use the Learning Record API under a particular plan. We offer two types of usage:

  • No commercial use (test or non-profit only): This means that users cannot use the Learning Record API for commercial purposes. The API can be used for testing purposes or for non-profit organizations.

  • Commercial use: users or organizations are allowed to use the Learning Record API for commercial purposes. Commercial use implies that you may use the API for business needs or profit-making activities, such as embedding it into a product or service that you sell, or otherwise monetizing the data you receive from the API.

The scope of use serves as guidelines to users about where and how they can use the data from our API, depending on the subscription plan they opt for.


"Authentication" means the method by which our system verifies the identity of the user or application trying to access the Learning Record API. It is a security measure that ensures that only authorized users or applications can get access. We offer two types of authentication methods:

  • API Key: An API Key is a code assigned to a specific user or application when they register or subscribe to use an API. This key is sent along with each request, allowing the system to verify the identity of the request maker. All plans include authentication by API Key.

  • OpenID: OpenID is a standard for user authentication that allows users to be authenticated by certain co-operating sites (known as Relying Parties) using a third-party service. This means that users can log on with an OpenID to any website which accepts OpenID authentication. All paid plans include authentication with OpenID.

Including both of these authentication methods enhances security by providing options to suit varied user needs and systems. While API Key authentication is a simple and common method used, OpenID provides an additional layer of security by decentralizing the authentication process. For more detail about Authentication please see the documentation here.

Client application

"Client Application" refers to the application in which you are implementing or integrating the Learning Record API. Our API gateway portal enable our client to manage their acces to our API. In this portal they can create "Client Application" with different authentication method and for different internal usage.

The number indicated under "Client Application" in a usage plan refers to how many separate applications you can create in the portal.

Hence, if you're developing or managing multiple apps that require the implementation of the Learning Record API, you would be needing a paid plan that offers the possibility to create more than one client application.

Academic Research program

We also have an Academic Research program for researchers and academics in Science of Education that would like to build and experiment with this API. Please contact us for more information.